Sunday, March 7, 2010

7 MoNtHs :)

Jaxson is 7 months old today! I literally cannot even believe how fast those 7 months have FLOWN by us! He is the cutest little guy ever! On top of being completely hyper and having a very very small attention span ALL the time, he has completely mastered sitting; anywhere, anytime, ALL the time! He now loves to sleep on his tummy, and is completely unswaddled! He loves to stand at the edge of the couch and play with toys on the couch, and would eat baby food all day if I would let him! He can do his sippy cup all by himself, and loves Biter Biscuits, pickles, and Popsicles! When he wants attention he knows to fake cough and we will both come a running, and then he smiles and giggles!


Lance and Jamie said...

I can't Believe that he is 7 months!!! He is so dang cute! I see a good combination of you and tyler in him. He sounds so fun im excited for those days with Kostner but i can totally wait for them because i know that they will be here before i know it. :)

allison said...

he is a cutie. did you have to wean him from swaddling, that is the only way I can get Claire to sleep good at night and for naps is to swaddle her up tight, and I'm starting to think she's a little old for it. How did you do it?