Sunday, April 1, 2012

Things to remember :)

I just wanted to a little update on the cute things and stages Jax is into right now at 2 years and 8 months that don't fit into my catch-up month categories! I have been so horrible at both journaling and blogging, so I am going to try to be better from now on out, just for my own benefit! And hopefully will be better once the baby comes and stick with it instead of fading away from it like I did when Jax got older!
---His new favorite songs are "Wise Man, Foolish Man", "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home", and "I Hope they call me on a mission." And of course we still have the usual… Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater, Mary had a little lamb, and Book of Mormon Stories. Along with all these songs we have to sing a hundred times a day, he is so into singing by himself and humming! The humming really tries my patience, because I hate when people hum! He hums loudly and ALL DAY LONG! It is growing on me, and I have gotten used to it but its been solid now for about a month!

---The other day I had the timer set for something on the oven, and it started beeping. He was in the kitchen and yelled "Mom! The clock is clocking!"

---He has recently (this week) decided that he can hold his "parts" when going potty now….oh boy! Usually someone helps with his "aim" but not anymore! I just decided to let go of trying to keep things clean one day and let him do it all day long! It is something he has got to learn eventually right!? Well he was in there one day without my knowledge, and when I realized he was in there I also realized he was way too quiet. I go in, and there he stands naked bummed, with his head tilted looking at a about a half of roll of toilet paper on the floor next to the toilet. He turns, see me, and says "Ummm… Mom, I just dribbled a little bit." I lift up the toilet to see it was completely fresh water…I then peek under the toilet paper to see a whole large puddle of pee. He then says " Uh I just got a little on that thing on the bathtub mom (shower curtain)." Sure enough, there was most definitely pee dripping all down my shower curtain! How, oh how, do boys manage to get so completely sidetracked while peeing that they forget they are peeing and it should go in the toilet! Sheesh! Oh well, at least he wants to be independent right?! He has also done great at night and naps since his new found independence. He hasn't had an accident once in about 2 weeks. Yay!
---He loves to go the bathroom outside! Everytime he is out he goes both potty-types and loves it. He gets so proud of himself!

---He always tells people, myself, says it in his prayers...that baby sister is swimming in mommy's tummy. He came up with it all on his own, and has never forgotten his little idea. He blesses that she can swim safe, and have fun, and that she can swim till she is bigger. Isn't that too cute!

---Tonight at dinner he was chewing his pizza and was thinking really hard. I let him think, knowing that some great comment was coming, and sure enough! He says to me, "Mom, see my pizza I eating? It goes in this hole (sticks his finger in his mouth to the back of his throat gagging himself) and then the whole makes it go in my tummy! Cool huh mom!" At least I know he is paying attention to what I tell him, becuase the other day I told him when I eat it makes baby sister's tummy full and her happy becuase that's where food goes when we our tummy! But he came up with the "hole" part all in his own little head :)

And here are some pictures as of lately...

March and Hand Foot Mouth

Jax felt the baby kicking one night and it was cute. I told him to put his hand on my tummy to feel baby sister and he was looking at me like I was a crazy person! As BAAM, she kicked him hard and like 6 in a row…his face was priceless! He was shocked, amazed, smiling, and confused all at once! After each kick he would giggle at the top of his lungs…it was so precious! And now he thinks he needs to feel her kick all day long! And always in public, where he also thinks he need to lift my shirt to feel….
Jax woke up last Saturday morning, and was so irritable. I wondered if it was just a bad day, but as we were eating breakfast and getting up and ready I kissed his forehead, and holy FEVER. I checked his temperature and it was at about 100.3. I found some Tylenol and gave it to him, and before long I started noticing it wasn’t helping at all, and that he had some weird spots by his lips and in the inside of his elbows. Amy's kids had all had Hand Foot Mouth disease within the past couple weeks, so I instantly started freaking out that he was getting it. By then middle of the afternoon his temp went up to high 101's and stayed there the entire day and night. Also, the spots got bigger. Finally I got him to sleep at night and hoped he would wake up all better in the morning. Well that next morning I flipped on the light, and to my surprise….he was plastered in big red sores all over not only his lips and around them, but his chin his arms, wrists, behind his knees, and in his little butt crack! Oh brother….it was most definitely Hand Foot Mouth! He wouldn't eat, wouldn't drink, and was just plain grumpy all day! All he wanted to do was watch Toy Story on the couch all day, so that’s what we did! By the end of the afternoon his rash had doubled and he was looking awful!

Again, the next morning we woke up and things were worse! How is that even possible!?! I called and got him in to the Pediatrician Monday, and it was most definitely HFM. She told me it was a severe case of it, but that’s all it was. There is no cream, no medicine, no nothing they can do! You just have to wait it out. But as long as there is still spots or sores on his body, he is contagious. Again, by then end of the day he was worse. It was all over his whole body. On Tuesday, it spread even further and was  now inside his mouth on his tongue, throat, cheeks, and covered his ears. Poor little guy was just miserable, and it itches! Like crazy! So he would scratch it so hard then he would bleed, and then hurt even worse. I hated seeing him so miserable! I finally started to see slight improvement by about Thursday afternoon, but not much, and Friday was even a little better. It's now Sunday and we still have our hands covered, and inside of elbows, back of knees, and face is still spotty and dry and sore. It has been a week and a day, and still very visibly have the rash/disease still, huge improvement but still there. So frustrating! Hopefully the next couple days he will clear up completely, and look normal again!
WARNING: these pictures are awful!

February 2012

We decided to move to Lyman, found a place to move, moved out of our Green River apartment, and started cleaning and painting the new place all within a week! Whew! With Tyler being placed out of town for his entire 2 weeks on work weeks we decided that there is no reason for us to be living in Green River, especially when I hate it so badly. He has heard rumor that he will be in Casper/Cody areas until the end of April, and then North Dakota after that, and Pennsylvania after that. So the future was looking lonely in my eyes, and scary being alone that much pregnant. So we caught word of good little house to rent, and it all just worked out. It needs a LOT of cleaning, and we are pretty much painting the entire house before moving in, so for now we are staying at my mom and dad's house. Jax has struggled with it all not knowing what is really going on. He keeps asking to go "home to Green River." It makes me sad because he doesn’t realized that he has a home, but he is sick of "living" at Grandma's and Papa's. Hopefully this weekend we can get things painted and start  moving things in slowly next week and get us all settled in.

We are continuing to search our hearts out for different jobs that will provide a better home life for us, but nothing seems to be working out. We are not stopping hoping though….for now. Its hard and I cry constantly, but hopefully living in Lyman will help me to be able to be happier and not so lonely all the time.

The baby is doing great! She is a complete WIGGLE WORM! We had our target ultrasound and even the doctor said she wouldn’t hold still long enough to hardly get all the  measurements she needed! Oh brother….hopefully not another Jax on our hands! She also confirmed that it is very much a girl! Such a relief to know now 2 people say it's all girl!

We also all had dentist appointments…Jaxson's first! I was so nervous for his to go because he is quite a stinker at times, and really cannot hold still! But he watched me get my teeth cleaned, then watched as they started Tyler's, and was so excited when it was his turn. He climbed up in laid down in the chair and didn't hardly move. He though he was hot stuff! Then as he watched Tyler again, Dr. Clifford came in and let him help check daddy's cheeks and neck, and all sorts of stuff. He had a blast!

December 2011

On one of Tyler's weeks off we decided to be brave and let Jax go to a move….The Chipmunks. He LOVED it! He did so so good, sat and watched and danced when they sang. It was a total success, much to my surprise!

Tyler happened to be on his week off over Christmas, so we decided it was time for us to do our own Christmas at our house. Best decision EVER! It was so fun, and so stress free. Usually all we even do is run between Lyman and Evanston seeing both families, and we never get to just enjoy Christmas. But not this year! We did go on Friday and do Christmas with Tyler's family, then Saturday morning we did with my family, and headed home to Green River after that! While doing Christmas Even with my family, we had Jax tell that he was going to be a big brother, and that it was a GIRL! It was so sweet!

We did a little Christmas eve our house, placed cookies and milk out for Santa, and just relaxed! It was fabulous! We opened presents, and played with Santa toys all morning….then I got the bug during nap time to just take all my Christmas decorations down while I had Tyler there to help me! We loaded it all up and took it with us to Christmas dinner in Lyman. Jax also told everyone there he was going to be a big brother. And Tylers family does a big year in review movie at their Christmas dinner, so it was announced there on the video. It was so fun to finally tell the world and not have to be secretive anymore!


I had my 2nd doctor appointment for the baby, at which the doctor informed me that I have Protein S and Protein C deficiency with this baby. With Jaxson I had a low case of it called MTHFR, and I just had to take a daily pill. Well, with actually having the deficiency now I have to give myself shots in the tummy every day. Yuck, it has been no fun, but has definitely gotten easier as time goes on!

I also started potty training! I did sticker charts, and got him a potty watch. I set the watch, and he wears it. When the time is up that I set it at, it sings and lights up and tell him its time to go potty. He LOVES it! He comes and gets me and giggles and runs to the potty! For the first couple days, he only had a couple accidents total, but then after that started struggling more. I had to really be creative with singing songs while trying and different bribes, but then he started doing better again! It's been exhausting, especially because I am still in my first trimester, but it will be nice to have all done!

Septemper and October

Lot's of new things in our lives! We are done with school, which at the time being didn’t do us any good. Tyler got his Physiology degree, and a teaching certificate in secondary science, and even though there were tons of opening in his area at schools, most places did not want first year teachers. We came out of an emotional summer with  no teaching job and started applying for anything that had an opening. The only thing that ended up working out was the oil field…Halliburton to be exact. His schedule is awful…he works 2 weeks on with shift never being under about 20 hours long, and then has 1 week off. With this job we moved to Green River.. I hate this job. We never get to see him, I end up doing everything and going everywhere alone and it is so hard for me.  We keep praying and having lots of faith that something else will work out in the  near future….but for now a job is a job and it pays the bills!

Jaxson is huge! He is now 2years and a little, and complete wild man! He talks so well, and actually never stops talking! Sometimes it's cute, and sometimes….it's not! He got an ear infection in September, and had it for over 6 weeks, so we had to get tubes put in his ears. He seems much better now, and did so well with the procedure! I am contemplating potty training, but he hates the potty. The small one, the big one, sitting on it, the whole works. So who knows when it will really happen!

Jax and I went to Idaho to my sister's house for Halloween, and Jax had so much fun with her kids! You knock on doors, and people just hand out hand fulls of candy at you….Jax thought it was so awesome! As you can see in the pictures Tyler was a cop, and he really wanted Jax to be his little jail bird…so that's what we he was! I also am sort of lame, and didn’t want the mess of "carving" pumpkins, so we let Jax just paint his pumpkin. He loved it, and didn't even know that was the lazy way out!